Cheddar Biscuits

These are very quick and easy to make, will never hear a complaint about them.

2 ½ Bisquick baking mix
5 tbsp. Cold butter
1 cup of heaping cheddar cheese
¾ cup of cold milk (2% works best)
¼ tsp. Garlic powder

3 tbsp. Melted butter
1 tbsp. Garlic powder
¼ tsp. Dried parsley flakes
¼ tsp. Sea salt or coarse salt

Heat oven to 400 degrees F

Combine Bisquick with cold butter in a medium bowl using a pastry cutter or a large fork. DON'T mix thoroughly. The butter should be small chucks about the size of peas. Add cheddar cheese, milk, and ¼ tsp. Garlic.

Mix by hand until combined, but don't over mix.

Drop roughly ¼ cup portions of dough onto an non greased cookie sheet. I use an ice cream scoop. Bake for 15 – 17 minutes or until the tops are slightly brown.

Mix topping ingredients together and brush over the biscuits, use all the butter.

Serve immediately

Makes 12 biscuits