Now that halloween has gone and past and putting away the decorations, I see the "fall" decor and just sigh. The holidays are here. Between the holidays and football season, Food and drinks with friends are in our future. Every year other than the turkey for Thanksgiving and a prime rib for Christmas, I try to do something different or perfecting my dishes, but the one thing that I honestly don't think about is mixed drinks. Sure, wine and imported beer are great to drink with our dinners but I'm starting to get bored and want to step out of my comfort zone. My son is starting to listen to various types of music and rap (hip hop) has been one of them. I was searching for drinks when I heard Tech N9ne singing his song Caribou Lou and remember having it once at a comedy club a couple years ago and was mouth watering and strong, with that I decided that I was going to master this drink. After several attempts and a drunk husband, I got the ratio down. 1 oz equals one standard shot glass.

1 1/2 oz 151 proof rum
1 oz Coconut rum
5 oz pineapple juice
Shake well and serve with ice in a highball glass, add pineapple slice to glass for garnish.
1 1/2 oz 151 proof rum
1 oz Coconut rum
5 oz pineapple juice
Shake well and serve with ice in a highball glass, add pineapple slice to glass for garnish.