Orange Sweet Potatoes

                                                                                           Picture provided by: Taste of Home
 This recipe is for everyone, even the ones that turn their noses up at sweet potatoes. Even my son, who HATES sweet potatoes, ate at least 4 of these last thanksgiving and has been requested for this years gathering. You can break down or increased ingredients, depending on how many people you want to feed. I never have leftovers, even when I make too much! 

1 tbsp. nutmeg
1 tbsp. cinnamon
8 big sweet potatoes
12 oranges
1 bag of mini marshmallows
1 cup of brown sugar
2 sticks of butter
1/4 cup of orange juice, use only enough to make mashed potatoes creamy
Boil peeled potatoes until tender and drain. While potatoes are cooking, juice oranges, save orange juice and save empty halves, set aside both.
2 sticks of butter is not completely needed, but our family are butter eaters, so.... just put in enough that will satisfy your guests. Mash or whip potatoes with butter, nutmeg, cinnamon, orange juice and brown sugar to your desired thickness. 
Spoon potato mixture into empty orange halves. Make sure to save room for the marshmallows the will be placed on top. 
Place desired amount of marshmallows on top of orange and place in an 350 degrees oven until melted and lightly browned. 
Serve Immediately. 

Use the left over orange juice to drink or use as water in a jello mold. Happy Eating!